Thursday 28 July 2016

Genius Hour: Developing Quality Questions and Contributing to Our Community

These principles are useful to keep in mind when participating in Genius Hour. At St Mark's School, principle (6) is optional. (It is up to you how you choose to present and capture your work, it might not be digital!)  

A great quality question must be non-Googleable. If the answer to your question is easy to find using Google, you need to develop a better question. 

Here are some examples of questions other students have asked:

- How do the planets revolve around the sun?
- Why are surfboards made out of fibreglass?
- Why are we drawn to our own nationality groups and does it actually matter?
- What type of paper plane flies the most longest distance?
- How can I create an educational computer game so people can learn more about statistics and probability?
- How can I make a flag that represents all Australians today?
- How can I attach an engine to a bike to make it go faster?
- How can we help endangered sea creatures?
- How can we educate others about what is in their take-away food?

Consider this matrix of simple to complex question starters:
'Might' is a fantastic word to use in questions because it asks you to explore more possible answers.

- How might we create and market an original recipe for an energy drink that will help athletes and our friends in their preparation or recovery for a sporting event?
- How might we change the weight and size of a netball to make it easier to use?
- How might I convince the government to ban smoking?
- How might we make a motorized scooter with safety features to help students get to school faster?
- How might we educate people about multiculturalism through a piece of artwork?

A great project question demands rich research and innovative thinking. To be worthwhile, answering the question should help our community.


You should also consider:

1 comment:

  1. Read through the example questions in this post. Which one might have had the greatest impact and why?
