Thursday 25 May 2017

What do an octopus and coffee have in common?

In Toroa, we sometimes start our day with a 'thinking flexibly' challenge. Today we had one minute to answer this question with our thinking buddy: What do an octopus and coffee have in common?


Both contain black liquids: An octopus squirts ink the colour of black coffee. - Zac

Both are organic. - Max H.

You can't have either one without water. - Bonnie and Sophia

You can buy both at the shops. - Zara

Both are tangible objects. - Max W.

Both can be put in containers and tipped out. - Alice

Both can be ingested. People can drink coffee or eat octopus. - Bella

Both can fit through very small spaces. - Brie C.

Coffee spreads as it spills and an octopus can spread out too. - Brie C.

Both can hurt you. - Brie S.

Can you think of anything else that an octopus and coffee have in common? Post your responses in the comments.